Act together in unity

Science meets ancient wisdom.
Global Healing Now’s mission is to enlighten us about the present state of our planet’s health as a result of global warming and provide solutions before it is too late. Climate changes, pandemics, the internet, and now the Ukraine war have united us in knowledge of the world’s plight as never before. We need to act together in unity to solve the problems facing us. 

Accurate reporting. Positive solutions.
Global Healing Now’s aim is accurate reporting based on current scientific data and providing positive solutions for change. We must face the harsh realities by feeling empowered and ready to make constructive, although often difficult, changes. We cannot collapse into despair or complacency.

Each action counts. Each person counts.
Global Healing Now’s belief is that no matter how small the effort or project, each action counts. Each person making a contribution counts. We need to awaken to the full truth of our earth’s precarious condition with eagerness to act. The pandemic and the Ukrainian war have united the world. Let’s use that unity to save our planet and ourselves.   

Earth’s majesty inspires and motivates.
Global Healing Now will also illuminate the power, beauty, and majesty of our amazing planet to open hearts and inspire people to create a positive vision for change. We need inspired hearts and that blood and bone connection to the earth as mother if we are to have the wisdom, courage, and endurance to create the hard changes to support the earth and humanity to flourish again.

Meet the Global Healing Now team

We are a volunteer based collaboration that designed this blog for your education and inspiration. We hope it encourages a brighter outlook and positive actions that facilitate sustainability and harmony between all species and the earth. 

Linda Peterson 

Founder & Contributing Editor

Linda’s vision is to educate and inspire action now to help reduce  the impact of global warming on our planet.

Lisa Stuhr 

Web Design & Contributing Editor 

Lisa’s inspiration comes from her love of humanity and wish for well-being for the planet and  all creatures. 

Marsh Dubaldo

Contributing Editor

For decades Marsh has been concerned about the impact of climate change on our planet from the effects of global warming and seeks change for future generations.

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